Pre-Orders For My Book Are Live—Now We Just Need a Cover

A black and white photograph of a road leading through a rocky landscape. There are some sheep lying near the road.
A road in Stoer, Scotland

Pre-Orders for My Book Drystone – A Life Rebuilt Are Open! But What About the Cover?

My book, Drystone – A Life Rebuilt, is now available for pre-order! (If you don’t want to read through my chat about why pre-orders matter to authors, the info and links are at the bottom of the page.)

You might notice there’s no cover on the listings yet. That’s because the cover isn’t quite ready.

There’s been a lot of back and forth between me and the publisher, which is both frustrating and reassuring—frustrating because every author just wants a cover they love, and reassuring because it means the publisher is actually listening, rather than slapping something together and calling it done.

To be honest, at this point, I don’t know exactly what the cover will look like.

I've learned that covers are weirdly tricky. You want them to feel right, to match the book in a way that makes sense—but books are complicated, and reducing them to a single image isn’t easy. And it’s not really up to me; publishers, designers, and marketing teams have a huge say. They’re thinking strategically—what will catch a reader’s eye, what fits in bookshops and why, how to package the book in a way that works beyond just ‘what I like.’ It’s a strange mix of art and business—one half I feel comfortable with, the other... not so much.

When the cover is ready, I’ll share it—maybe through gritted teeth. I’m hoping for something I love, something that really speaks to the book. Fingers crossed. I know the usual advice is ‘don’t judge a book by its cover,’ but—everyone does.

In the meantime, if you want to pre-order—cover or no cover—you absolutely can, and I’d be ridiculously grateful.

Why Pre-Orders Matter

If you’re wondering why authors bang on about pre-orders, it’s because they genuinely make a big difference—especially for a first book.

Pre-orders tell booksellers and publishers that people are interested. When people order early, a few key things happen:

Bookshops pay attention. If they see demand—even just one person asking—they’re more likely to stock the book, display it well, and recommend it to customers. More pre-orders can mean better placement in shops, which helps new readers stumble across it who might not have found it otherwise.

Publishers and distributors take notice. Strong early sales can lead to bigger print runs, better marketing, and more support behind the book. It’s a way of proving that people other than me care about it!

Algorithms get involved. (I know, gross.) Online retailers use pre-orders to decide how visible a book should be. More pre-orders mean it’s more likely to be recommended, ranked higher, and easier to discover. (I think Amazon has a slightly different policy on this, but generally, it helps.)

So, if you were planning to buy the book anyway, pre-ordering is one of the best ways to support it.

Where to Pre-Order

I buy books from all over—indie bookshops, online stores, used bookshops, Amazon :/—so no judgment on where you like to shop. I know that when money or energy is tight, convenience and cost often come first.

Here’s how you can pre-order Drystone – A Life Rebuilt:

Your local bookshop – Ask them—whether in person, over the phone, or by messaging them online. If they don’t have my book listed yet, they can order it using the ISBN: 978-1846976469. We’re still waiting on news about foreign publication and distribution, but this method of pre-ordering might be possible outside the UK too—just check with your local indy bookstore. If you’re worried about payment coming out months from now, you can usually ask to pay upfront to avoid any surprises later. & Hive (UK readers) – Once my book is listed, and this may take a little time, these sites let you order online while supporting independent bookshops.

Chain bookshops (Waterstones etc.) – Available in-store or online.

Amazon & Other Online Retailers – If this is your usual way of buying books, it will be listed there too.

You can currently pre-order online at Waterstones or Amazon.

Whenever or however you choose to buy my book, thank you.

Living it was one thing, writing it another, and getting it into readers' hands is something else entirely. Your support is what makes that last part possible, and I appreciate it so much.

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